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15mm Historical Miniatures

Pack of 8 figures (four different poses):

All figures do not contain lead and are sold unpainted!


Known since ancient times but fallen in disuse in Europe after the end of the Roman Empire, by the end of the first millennium the crossbow was growing back in popularity. Two of our figures have almost no armour (one has an helmet) and are more suitable for skirmishing roles or second line troops, while the other two both wear heavy armour (one padded and one chainmail) and represent first rank line troops. All use early crossbows models suitable for up to the 12th Century. There is one bow modeled without the stirrup which is for the figure spanning the weapon (the stirrup is molded on his foot). The slightly larger and longer bow is for the figure with the padded armour (the others won't fit on him).

15mm Norman Light and Heavy Crossbowmen NRM13

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